First off, we couldn't find the right site to use. Over and over we searched "Copyright free sounds" and we couldn't find a website that would allow us to download the sounds for free. Everytime we thought we found a sound we liked we had to make an account. We made the account and it then would give us payment options and none were there for free.So we would constantly get excited about a sound and then find out we couldn't use it..
Finally we find a website that's free and available to use, now we just need to find the perfect sound.
While filming and putting everything together we realized that the film may not be representing the thriller genre the way we envisioned it. The film seemed a little bit more like a drama rather than a thriller. So we searched through sounds which took forever. We searched up key words to help the search and we were down to a few options. We played them all through and by the time we found the perfect sound we were so thankful after watching the film so many times. The music played in the background really helped put it together and show viewers, this is a thriller. The music creates suspense throughout the video. Along with that, the music ends at the perfect time and has its last major beat the second we put the movie title.
Here is the website we decided to go with:
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